On 2012-07-22, at 8:21 AM, dalyoung
Dear all,
In the following sample file, an error occurs in \startformula\startalign ... \stopalign\stopformula. The similar error occurs if I use \startformula\startmathcases.
but \startmatrix works well.
Did I do something wrong?
Thank you for reading.
Best regards,
%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \starttext \starttable[|c|c|w4cm|w4cm|] \HL \NC A \VL B \VL C \VL D \NC\SR \HL \NC $x$ \VL \startmatrix \NC x' = \NC \NR \NC y' = \NC \NR \stopmatrix \VL \VL \NC\FR \HL \NC $y$ \VL \startformula\startalign \NC x' = \NC \NR \NC y' = \NC \NR \stopalign\stopformula \VL \VL \NC\LR \HL \stoptable \stoptext %%%%%%%%%%%
\startformula must occur inside a vbox. So, use a matrix environment as you are doing, or wrap the formula inside a \framed[align=normal]. Aditya