On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 13:40, Mojca Miklavec
On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 06:43, Vnpenguin
wrote: Hi, The file context-setup-mswin.zip has 23M size at http://minimals.contextgarden.net/setup/. Here are files inside of this ZIP: =======================================
Could you tell me why these files were "doubled" many times ?
Hmmm ... that is something that I would like to know as well ... :) :) :)
Most probably there was some extra folder lying around. The code that generates it is
mv mswin context rm context-setup-mswin.zip zip -r context-setup-mswin context mv context mswin
If folder named context existed at some point in time, it probably triggered recursive behaviour.
For me, that's packaging error. We need only _ONE_ folder "bin" and _ONE_ file "first-setup.bat" to do installation.