On Jan 10, 2008 6:43 PM, Jürgen Strass
when I'm trying to use tables (\starttables ... \stoptables), I'm often getting the following error:
! Misplaced \noalign. \TABLEnoalign ->\noalign \bgroup \let \noalign \relax \let \next = \insertTABLEtail ->\TABLEnoalign {\global \settrue \preventTABLEbreak \globa...
\stoptables ...erepeattail \else \insertTABLEtail \fi \finishTABLE \egroup \... l.148 \stoptables
On the mailing list archives, I already found some code posted by Hans Hagen that solves the issue in case of the "\starttable ... \stoptable" command. I had to insert the following code in my cont-new.tex file:
\def\stoptable {\chuckTABLEautorow % before the tail \insertTABLEtail \TABLEnoalign{\globalletempty\@@TABLEhead}% \TABLEnoalign{\globalletempty\@@TABLEtail}% \finishTABLE \doifelsenothing\@@tiframe {\ifinsidefloat\else \stopbaselinecorrection \goodbreak % compensates all the nobreaks \fi} \stopframedcontent \egroup}
For the "tables" commands it doesn't work though, even not after changing "\def\stoptable" to "\def\stoptables". Does anyone have an idea what to do about it?
ctxtools gives the following details about my context version under WinXP:
CtxTools | context version: 2007.01.12 15:56 (c:/TeXLive2007/texmf-dist/tex/cont ext/base/context.tex) CtxTools | context version: 2007.01.12 15:56 (c:/TeXLive2007/texmf-dist/tex/cont ext/base/cont-new.tex)
Thanks in advance for any help, Jürgen
Hi Jürgen, could you try to update your ConTeXt first and if the problem remains send a example to the list. Wolfgang