I am trying to create a table that breaks across pages. I used the example from the wiki. The table repeated its headers like it should have, but it did not break across a page; it stuck the table on one page. Here is an excerpt from the file: \placetable[here][tab:insurance]{Percentage of People without health insurance in US}{\start \starttablehead \HL \VL State \VL 3-year average(2001-2003) \VL 2-year average(2001-2002) \VL\SR \stoptablehead \starttabletail \HL[4] \stoptabletail \starttables[|l w(30mm)|l|l|] \VL Alabama \VL 13.3 \VL 13.5 \VL\FR \HL \VL Alaska \VL 17.8 \VL 18.8 \VL\MR \HL ... \stoptables \stop} Thanks Paul -- ************************ *Paul Tremblay * *phthenry@iglou.com * ************************