I played around a bit with the new URW-Garamond that URW donated to the
TeX community; as you may have seen on the list, the font files can be
downloaded via CTAN at CTAN/fonts/urw/garamond/ If you fetch the entire
directory, you'll find
1. the font in .afm, .pfb and .pfm format,
2. support files for LaTeX written by Walter Schmidt, with instructions
for installation.
After installation, the font worked in LaTeX, but wouldn't work in
ConTeXt "out of the box." I didn't spend time to figure out why because
creating the necessary files with texfont is a snap. For beginners, a
very brief how-to:
1. copy the afm- and pfb-files into a working directory, cd to this
2. run the command
for f in ugm*.afm do texfont --fontroot=~/texmf --ve=urw --co=garamond
--ma --in
(adjusting ~/texmf to wherever you want the font installed)
(Of course, you can add other encodings if you wish.)
Then I hit a problem. texfont creates map entries in this format:
texnansi-raw-ugmm8a GaramondNo8-Med 4 < ugmm8a.pfb texnansi.enc
texnansi-raw-ugmmi8a GaramondNo8-MedIta 4 < ugmmi8a.pfb texnansi.enc
texnansi-raw-ugmr8a GaramondNo8-Reg 4 < ugmr8a.pfb texnansi.enc
texnansi-raw-ugmri8a GaramondNo8-Ita 4 < ugmri8a.pfb texnansi.enc
My version of pdfetex (3.141592-1.20b-rc5-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.3)) refused to
read these entries (problems with backward compoatibility?). After I
rewrote to the format I found in the map that comes with the font
texnansi-raw-ugmr8a GaramondNo8-Reg " TeXnANSIEncoding ReEncodeFont "