On 10/24/2016 05:08 PM, Otared Kavian wrote:
Hi Michael,
Maybe what Wolfgang meant by « putting the marks by hand » is something like: you define \StartCitation and \StopCitation in the following way:
% begin quotation-note.tex
\define\StartCitation{\startnarrower[left,right]«~} \define[1]\StopCitation{~»\footnote{#1}\stopnarrower}
\starttext \input tufte \StartCitation \input knuth \StopCitation{This is a Quote of Donald Knuth} \stoptext % end quotation-note.tex
Indeed instead of the quotation marks « and » you can put whatever you wish. If you have quotations without footnotes, then you may define another start-stop.
Here would be my suggestion, which gives a syntax that is a bit more ConTeXt-like, I feel (but the coding can probably be improved): \def\startQuote% {\dosingleempty\dostartQuote} \def\dostartQuote[#1]% {\blank [line] \iffirstargument \getparameters[QQ][note=oops,#1] \def\stopQuote{\footnote{\QQnote}\stopnarrower\blank [line]}% \else \def\stopQuote{\stopnarrower\blank [line]} \fi \setupnarrower [left=1cm,right=2cm] \startnarrower} \starttext \input zapf \startQuote \input tufte \stopQuote \startQuote[note=Knuth] \input knuth \stopQuote \stoptext Thomas