I need the help of a BibTeX/citation module expert. I want to modify the appearance of @INBOOK entries. Currently they look like this (apa-de style):
author (year) _booktitle_, Chapter chaptertitle, pages, publisher, edition.
What I'm aming for is this:
author (year) _chaptertitle_, In editor (Edt.): _booktitle_, pages, publisher, edition.
Where chaptertitle refers to the title of the chapter (usually some sort of article or essay), very similar to arttitle.
I encountered the same problem a while ago and discovered that using @incollection solves it. (The documentation at http://www.kfunigraz.ac.at/~binder/texhelp/bibtx-12.html implies that @inbook only supports a chapter number or page range, rather than a titled section.) Example:
@incollection{ernst1989anisotropy, title = {Averaging of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility data}, author = {Ernst, R. E. and Pearce, G. W.}, booktitle = {Statistical Applications in the Earth Sciences}, editor = {Agterberg, F. P. and Bonham-Carter, G. F.}, note = {Paper 89-9}, pages = {297--305}, year = {1989}, publisher = {Geological Survey of Canada} }
With the default bibliography style this typesets to:
Ernst, R. E. and Pearce, G. W. (1989). Averaging of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility data. In Agterberg, F. P. and Bonham-Carter, G. F., editors, _Statistical Applications in the Earth Sciences_, pages 297–305. Geological Survey of Canada. Paper 89-9.
Thanks Pont, that is already helpful to know that others encountered this problem, too. However, @inbook supports a chapter title that is placed with \insertchapter. So I thought I could put the "arttitle" in the chapter field and the book title in the title field of bibtex. But I did not manage to get the author and the editor in my layout. Example: % Bibtex: @INBOOK{naunin07, author ={Dietrich Naunin}, editor = {Dietrich Naunin}, title = {Hybrid-, Batterie- und Brennstoffzellen-Elektrofahrzeuge: Technik, Strukturen und Entwicklungen}, chapter = {Elektrische Antriebssysteme}, editor = {Dietrich Naunin}, pages = {20-33}, address = {Renningen}, publisher = {expert-Verlag}, year = {2007}, edition = {4.}, ISBN = {3-8169-2625-8}, } % Context: \setuppublicationlayout[inbook]{% \insertauthors{}{ }{}% \insertpubyear{(}{). }{\unskip.}% \insertchapter{\bgroup \it}{\egroup. }{\unskip}% \inserteditors{In\ }{, editors: }{}% \inserttitle{\bgroup \it}{\egroup. }{\unskip}% \insertpages{}{}{}%} With this I get: Naunin, Dietrich (2007). _Elektrische Antriebssysteme_. _Hybrid-, Batterie- und Brennstoff- zellen-Elektrofahrzeuge: Technik, Strukturen und Entwicklungen_. 20-33 The editor is not inserted, but the pages are :( This may be a bad example since the author of the chapter is the editor, but it's also not working anywhere else.