17 Nov
17 Nov
2:33 p.m.
Hello Frank, it took me a while to find the error, because it is really hidden:
However if I put the same sequence in a macro
\def\celcius{$^\circ$C} -20\celsius\ Dewpoint -20\celsius Dewpoint
What is going on,
you defined \celcius but used \celsius (s/c). \celsius is a predefined macro in ConTeXt. Use \celsius{-20} Dewpoint in your case. The macro \celsius is smart about math mode: see the difference in \celsius{-20} Dewpoint \par $\celsius{-20}$ Dewpoint \par \celsius{$-20$} Dewpoint
and more importantly how to solve it.
drop your macro or use it ;-) Patrick -- You are your own rainbow!