Bonjour à tous, I'm trying to switch from Latex + pstrick to latex3 and Metapost (alias context :-) For now, I'm trying to reproduice a Latex + Seminar + pstricks slides. Before to switch to Metapost, I'd like to include the pstricks figure as pdf external file (from eps file) The figure is OK and I can see it with xpdf or acroreqad. But when I use it in ConText, the background is all black. I've been unable to play whith the various option : 2 \externalfigure [01-problematique.pst.pdf] [width=0.4\textwidth, % bfactor=0.9, % raster=0.9, background=screen, % background=color, backgroundscreen=1.0, backgroundcolor=yellow, ] 3 Any idea ? P.S. I think that the "Context" name is a bad choice, because it's difficult to find on the web (to much pages are found) It would be better to name it "ConTeX" ! Maurice. -- Maurice.Diamantini@ensta.fr - ENSTA/LMA École Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées Laboratoire de Mathématiques Appliquées http://www.ensta.fr/~diam