Am 29.06.2021 um 12:34 schrieb Hans Hagen
: On 6/29/2021 1:08 AM, Rik Kabel wrote:
All, Examining recent log files, I see the message suggestion > use \thinspace instead of \, When was this instituted?
a while ago
What does it mean? Has \, been deprecated? For many years it was recommended as a short form of \thinspace, and implementing the replacement would certainly result in much less readable source. not depricated but these single character commands are somewhat weird (i always forget what they mean, not that i ever use them; when many are needed one can wonder if something else should be fixed instead)
(for instance in macro definitions i'd not use \, but the more verbose \thinspace)
Maybe, but in running text I use \, all the time e.\,g. in abbreviations or for numbers (10\,000). At least in German typography these “spatiums” are necessary. Hraban