On 28 Jun 2016, at 14:16 , Mojca Miklavec
On 27 June 2016 at 16:11, Robert Blackstone wrote:
Dear All,
I am trying to get the combination of ConTeXt and LilyPond working. I copied the example that I found on http://wiki.contextgarden.net/LilyPond , changing the setups a little (I don't have the font Adobe Jenson Pro).
Processing it with mkiv from april this year and earlier produces a pdf with both zapf texts and in between the text: [[output file missing.
You first need to get lilypond working from Terminal, otherwise asking any other question on the ConTeXt mailing list won't really help much.
Thanks Mojca,
I have tried to get lilypond working from Terminal but without success. No idea why. Whatever I do Terminal replies with : cannot execute binary file.
Dear all, and in particular Mojca Miklavec and Jean-Pierre Delange, who reacted to my first call for help, I think I have solved my problem. Somehow I managed to get Lilypond working from Terminal. Then I placed the ConTeXt-example with the LilyPond filter that I tried to compile in the same directory als the lilypond binary. Compiling it, as usual, from TeXShop it still did not start LilyPond and the .pdf still had: "[[output file missing" where the musical example should have been. However, compiling the file from Terminal did work. Best regards, Robert Blackstone