On Thu, 27 Dec 2007 14:32:59 -0700
"Idris Samawi Hamid"
Dear syndicate,
There is a bug in \quotation and/or \blockquote (pdf attached): there is a spurious dbl-quote mark at the end of the par that only occurs when \quotation is invoked.
Please advise, workarounds welcome :-)
Best wishes Idris
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\startblockquote The now also must be indivisible: that is, the now in the essential and primary sense in which the now is inherent in all time; not, indeed, the now in the derived sense of a period of time…This now, which functions as the border between both past and future, must, indeed, be identical….If the now were separate limits [of both the past and the future], there would be a time between them, since every [real] continuum must have something of the same kind between its limits; and the time between them would be divisible, since we have proved that all time is divisible. Accordingly, the now would be divisible [and it would not, then, be the now we are talking about]….Thus, it is clear that time includes something indivisible, which we call a \quotation{now.} Obviously, too, nothing can be moving during a now. \stopblockquote
Your example is too long, I could reproduce this also with the folowing short example. \startquotation text \quote{text} text\stopquotation The wrong right values did only appear if you use singlecommand quotations within a quotation environment. The push and popdelimitedtext macros did not work correct in this case and ConTeXt thinks there current environment is "quotation" and not "blockquote" when it reaches the \stopblockquote command. A group around the single quote command helps, you core macros would look like: \unprotect \def\delimitedtext[#1]% {\bgroup \pushdelimitedtext{#1}% \doifelse{\delimitedtextparameter\c!method}\s!font {\dofontdrivendelimited} {\doifinsetelse{\delimitedtextparameter\c!location}{\v!paragraph, \v!margin}% \dodelimitedtextpar\dodelimitedtexttxt}} \unexpanded\def\dodelimitedtextpar {\dohandleleftdelimitedtext\c!left\relax \groupedcommand \donothing {\dohandlerightdelimitedtext\c!right\removelastskip \popdelimitedtext \egroup}} \def\doquoteddelimited {\dohandleleftdelimitedtext\c!left\relax \groupedcommand \donothing {\dohandlerightdelimitedtext\c!right \removelastskip \popdelimitedtext \egroup}} \def\doattributeddelimited {\groupedcommand {\dostartattributes{\??ci\currentdelimitedtext}\c!style\c!color} {\dostopattributes \popdelimitedtext \egroup}} \protect I added in the macros above only a \bgroup in \delimitedtext and a \egroup in every of the other three commands. Wolfgang