On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 7:55 PM, Hans Hagen
luigi scarso wrote:
On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 10:28 PM, Mehdi Omidali
wrote: Hi everyone, I want to translate "Context an excursion" to farsi and went to http://wiki.contextgarden.net/ConTeXt_on_Excursion,_translations and tried to create an account to be able to access source files. I faced a problem in the "anti automated account creation question" which is something like (23 plus 8) times roman 'C' What must be inserted as the answer to such a problem. I tried everything but no success. Best Wishes.
I must admit that I will feel confused if the question will be mixed with ancient maya numbers .
well, you're an original 'roman' guy so you'll get the easy creation question
Better to say "no", otherwise one can argue that I'm also able with Etruscan numerals http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Etruscan_numerals BTW, some linearity equations like x = IIII - IV can be problematic (actually {'nulla' , 'N' } are valid solutions, but it's an historical matter) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_numerals One can say that such questions should be avoided because there are no reasons for non-roman people to know about roman numerals (at least they are the same of non-maya people to know about maya numerals), and it's generally true . But, given that we are talking about ConTeXt and given that \romannumerals is a ConTeXt macro, in this particular case such questions are valid. This open the door to similar questions (cfr core-con.lua,core-con.tex for persian,thai etc) and given that Unicode sooner or later will cover all kind of writing systems of the human race, I expect that some day some questions will be mixed with maya numerals. -- luigi