At 01:30 PM 2/6/2003 +0200, mari.voipio@iki.fi wrote:
On Thu, 6 Feb 2003, Hans Hagen wrote:
the tex user groups distribute tex-live, which is preconfigured for many os' s; updates fpr context can then be installed into a local texmf tree
Once I get the last of my font problems (more of these tomorrow, when I have a work day) and some other less important things fixed, I'll write "Windows language" instructions on how to install and run TeXLive+ConTeXt in Windows (after three years of teaching so called "ordinary people" I speak good "Windows", which may help).
As TeXLive ships with easy-to-install NTEmacs, I'm also including instructions on how to profit from Berend's context.el for maximum ease
there's also patricks emacs extension, providing help on commands and so
and maybe other Windows tricks as well. (Is somebody here good at drawing Windows icons [.ico]? I'd need several for the different Windows shortcuts for the "I'd rather double-click" people...)
Were do you needd the icons for? I can metapost a few -) [done so recently for the example framework]
BTW, I may not have any very permanent home for the above-mentioned Windows instruction pages as I'll lose my university account when I finally get my masters - any ideas of where to place the instructions?
we can put 'm on the third party page on our web site
also, if its's for windows, fptex may want to include them (Fabrice