Am 14.12.2012 um 17:18 schrieb Andre Caldas
I have one question: - What does it happen when there is a quotation mark (") inside the parameter? Do I need to "escape" the contents passed to the macro?
No you don’t have to but you could have checked yourself :)
Sorry... I didn't try it when I asked, but I had the impression I did try it before. In my case, if I use \uncover[2,"3]{xxxx} I get the error: =P ! LuaTeX error <main ctx instance>:1: ')' expected near '3'.
You’re trying to pass a single " to Lua which doesn’t work because you use "" in your Lua code for the string. When you change your definition for \uncover to \unexpanded\def\uncover[#1]% {\ctxlua{ distance = simplesteps.distance_to_step(\!!bs#1\!!es) ... }} it works because the " is now only part of the string. Wolfgang