Dear list, if I specify "option=height" with an xtable, a single-page table is stretched vertically to fill the whole textheight. However, I need this feature with a multipage table. In the following example, the table on the first page should be stretched, but isn't: \showframe \starttext \startxtable [option=height, split=yes] \startxrow \startxcell \input knuth \stopxcell \startxcell \input ward \stopxcell \stopxrow \startxrow \startxcell \input zapf \stopxcell \startxcell \input ward \stopxcell \stopxrow \startxrow \startxcell \input knuth \stopxcell \startxcell \input ward \stopxcell \stopxrow \stopxtable \stoptext The table parts on all the pages but the last page should be stretched vertically. If this isn't possible with xtable, is it possible in another way? I hope it is possible without splitting the table by hand, because it is a big project with several hundred table pages, and splitting by hand would make changes (additional rows) really hard. Thanks for your help and kind regards, Joshua Krämer