On Tue, Feb 12, 2019 at 8:27 AM Pierre-Francois Bonnefoi < bonnefoi.pf@gmail.com> wrote:
I try to define automatically some macros to include cliparts in my TikZ drawings and I've defined the following macro :
\def\clipart#1#2{% \expandafter\def\csname tk#1\endcsname{\dosingleempty\expandafter\csname dotk#1\endcsname}% \expandafter\def\csname dotk#1\endcsname[##1]{\iffirstargument\image{cisco/#1}{##1}\else\image{cisco/#1}{#2}\fi} }
\clipart{pc}{.8} % defines the macro \tkpc to include the picture "cisco/pc"
The issue arises when I use the newly defined \tkpc : the argument is not optional and I have to put \kpc[.5] for example. To add insult to injury, the value passed in argument is ignored also : \iffirtargument return always false...
Do you have any idea ?
Best regards, Pierre-François.
could be that \dosingleempty sees \expandafter ? try \expandafter\def\csname tk#1\endcsname{\dosingleempty{\expandafter\csname dotk#1\endcsname}}% -- luigi