On 3/6/21 2:35 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 3/6/2021 1:56 PM, Pablo Rodriguez wrote:
[...] The select style could generate from start-identifier and stop-identifier, the result "identifier.pdf". \startchapter[reference=whatever,title=foo] \stopchapter \startchapter[reference=moreover,title=oof] \stopchapter
and --pages=whatever,moreover will give you the info you need to call context --extra=copy or whatever with the right arguments
Hans, real-world needs may be complex, such as in the following sample: \starttext \completecontent \dorecurse{3} {\startpart \edef\pn{\recurselevel} \dorecurse{30} {\startchapter\markpage[start-\pn.\recurselevel] \dorecurse{\randomnumber{0}{30}} {\input knuth\par} \markpage[stop-\pn.\recurselevel]\stopchapter} \stoppart} \stoptext This generates a document to be split in 90 individual documents. I cannot even think in specifying them manually. It would be very useful to have something similar to: context --extra=select --selection=pages oeps --once --autopdf I hope my explanation is clearer now. Many thanks for your help, Pablo -- http://www.ousia.tk