On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 1:33 PM, Curious wrote:
Thanks Mojca. Appreciate your response, though as you said I do not really understand what I have to do, or if I could do anything. But a few things,
(1) Regarding the visual examples, I could post the PDF file generated with Latex and Context. Is there a way to do that on this list?
The list only accepts very small files. So there are some options: - send the file to anyone interested (= the ones who replied to your thread) - upload to your own server temporary - (contextgarden.net needs a place to upload samples, but there's not much you can do about it apart from writing the scripts) - there are some public places that allow uploading files
I noticed another difference, which is that the line spacing is slightly more in the Context document (compared to that compiled with Latex). In latex I chose \singlespacing. In Context, I did not change the default spacing. Is the default spacing different than singlespacing?
(2) I was going to ask about the math support. You mentioned that it would have to be added to the typescript. How difficult is that? Does anyone know the commands that can be used for adding such support.
See type-*.tex and math-*.tex in ConTeXt sources. Mathdesign seems rather sophisticated, so it depends to what extent one wants to reimplement the functionality in ConTeXt. Mojca