With natural tables I can define a color, tell the table to have to use color backgrounds and turn the frame off and get every odd row in all my tables will have that color for the background. ========== Example ============================================================ \definecolor[grayback][r=.8,g=.8,b=.8] \setupTABLE[background=color,frame=off] \setupTABLE[row][odd][backgroundcolor=grayback] ========== End of Example ===================================================== Can I get this same effect with extreme tables? My first try with extreme tables looked like this: ========== Example ============================================================ \definecolor[tablebackground][r=.8,g=.8,b=.8] \setupxtable[background=color,frame=off] \setupxtable[row][odd][backgroundcolor=tablebackground] ========== End of Example ===================================================== That didn't seem to have any effect. Is there a way to have every odd row of every table in my document have color background? -- T. Kurt Bond, tkurtbond@gmail.com, tkurtbond.github.io and tkb.tx0.org