All - I have a simple table which looks like this: \placetable[here]{none} \starttable[|c w(3.0cm)|c|c w(2.75cm)|c w(7.0cm)|] \HL \VL \bf Name \VL \bf Location \VL \bf Date \VL \bf Signature \VL \AR \HL \VL \VL \VL \VL \VL \AR \HL \stoptable I would like to add a background color to the first row only. I tried \CL[colorname], \BR[colorname] and neither gets quite what I want. Is there a simple way to set the background color for only the first row? I have only just started using ConTeXT, never used TeX or LaTeX before, so I'm still trying to understand everything I read in the manuals, and searching the list archive. I can not seem to make the more HTML-ish tables work the way I want (e.g, \bTABLE...\eTABLE) so I'd like to be able to get where I want to go using the table I have. -- Mark Almeida mark.almeida@sun.com Solutions Architect (707)398-9524/x81132 Sun Client Solutions (707)429-0341 Home Office (707)480-5038 Cell Powered by Solaris 10_x86/Evolution 1.4.6