Wolfgang Schuster
Am 10.01.2009 um 13:33 schrieb Curious:
ConTeXt has just other linedistances than LaTeX, that's all.
You can switch to a smaller distance with \setupinterlinespace[small] or with \setupinterlinespace[line=14pt] (fixed distance) or \setupinterlinespace[line=2.4ex] (font dependend distance)
I have a basic typescript for charter because I needed it in a document.
\starttypescript [math] [charter] [name] \definefontsynonym [MathRoman] [Charter-Math-Letters-Regular] \definefontsynonym [MathItalic] [Charter-Math-Letters-Italic] \definefontsynonym [MathSymbol] [Charter-Math-Symbols-Regular] \definefontsynonym [MathExtension] [Charter-Math-Extension-Regular] \stoptypescript
\starttypescript [math] [charter] [default] \definefontsynonym [Charter-Math-Letters-Regular] [mdbchr7m] \definefontsynonym [Charter-Math-Letters-Italic] [mdbchri7m] \definefontsynonym [Charter-Math-Symbols-Regular] [mdbchr7y] \definefontsynonym [Charter-Math-Extension-Regular] [mdbchr7v] \loadmapfile[mdbch.map] \stoptypescript
Thanks very much Wolfgang. I tried and it works for the most part in the simple document that I have. The parantheses, however, are not typeset correctly. They appear as horizontal arrows with only half a head, i.e., head only either above or below (sorry do not know the name of this symbol but I have seen it before). Regarding, the warning I mentioned earlier (pdfTeX warning: pdftex (file ec-bitstrea-charter.map): cannot open font map file), is there a way to fix that? Or, is there a need to fix that? Thanks.