Hi, I was playing with the example from https://wiki.contextgarden.net/Scaling_Rotating_Mirroring_Clipping#Location_... and tried to put it in a tabulate: \useMPlibrary[dum] \setupexternalfigures[width=3em,height=2em,frame=on,] %\def\TXT{\ruledhbox{\bf(XyX)}} \def\TXT{\externalfigure[pic]} \starttabulate[|l|l|l|l|l|l|] \NC\NC normal\NC depth\NC fit\NC broad\NC high\NC\NR \HL \dostepwiserecurse{0}{359}{45}{% %\expanded{\setuprotate[rotation=\recurselevel]} \NC{\expanded{\recurselevel}˚}% \NC{\ruledhbox{X\rotate[location=normal,rotation=\recurselevel]{\TXT}X}}% \NC{\ruledhbox{X\rotate[location=depth,rotation=\recurselevel] {\TXT}X}}% \NC{\ruledhbox{X\rotate[location=fit,rotation=\recurselevel] {\TXT}X}}% \NC{\ruledhbox{X\rotate[location=broad,rotation=\recurselevel] {\TXT}X}}% \NC{\ruledhbox{X\rotate[location=high,rotation=\recurselevel] {\TXT}X}}% \NC\NR} % \HL % error \stoptabulate This works, but \recurselevel is always 0. I know I must expand it (like in the original example), but I can’t make it work within the tabulation. In the first column, \expanded{\recurselevel} stays 0, and rotation=\expanded{\recurselevel} gives an error, while the \setuprotate line has no effect (if I remove "rotation=\recurselevel", of course). How would that work? Also, \HL doesn’t work at the end, and the second line of the error message makes no sense: """ I expect to see \noalign only after the \cr of an alignment. Proceed, and I'll ignore this case. mtx-context | fatal error: return code: 1 """ Hraban