Dear readers of this list, I would like to typeset a bible-text with ConTeXt. The header should print the first and the last verse on that particular page. I used the commands \marking to mark the verses and \getmarking to setup the headers as shown in the excerpt below. This works correctly with a single column layout, but not in a two column layout. The last verse printed in the headers is not the correct one, the first or the second on the following page is given. Is there a work around for this problem? Many thanks in advance for helpful hints Yours sincerely Tobias Hilbricht ---------------- % Kopie von nova-vulgata_vt_genesis.html % zur Weiterbearbeitung mit ConTeXt \mainlanguage[la] \language[la] \setupencoding[default=ec] \usetypescript[berry][ec] \setupheadertexts[{\getmarking[vers][first]} -- {\getmarking[vers][last]}][1. Mose] \definemarking[vers][] \setupcolumns[2] \setuppagenumbering[location={footer,right}] \setupheadertexts[{\getmarking[vers][first]} -- {\getmarking[vers][last]}][Liber Genesis] \starttext \startcolumns LIBER GENESIS 1 \marking[vers]{1, 1} 1 In principio creavit Deus caelum et terram. \marking[vers]{1, 2} 2 Terra autem erat inanis et vacua, et tenebrae super faciem abyssi, et spiritus Dei ferebatur super aquas. \marking[vers]{1, 3} 3 Dixitque Deus: "Fiat lux". Et facta est lux. . ... many more verses (12 pages) . \stopcolumns \stoptext