Hi list, until now I used the bib module for my bibliography in a rather large document in MkIV by calling \usemodule[bib]. Today I updated to version 2011.02.25 22:03 and the document does no longer compile. I removed the above line from my document and it ran again, but the "References" section was empty and I got "[[error 1]]" everywhere I used \cite. So I changed \completepublications to \completepublications[criterium=all]. Now I have the complete list of references (I know, I asked for it) but instead I only want to have those references in the list that I cited in the document. Some questions: (1) Is the bib module obsolete? If so, can someone provide me with a small example how to properly make bibliographies now, preferably from a .bib-file? (2) If this is not already answered by the first question: How do I get the references list to display only the cited entries from my bibliography, "[criterium=?]"? (3) What do I have to do to let context find the sample.bib database? I get "I couldn't open database file sample.bib.bib" or "I couldn't open database file sample.bib" in the output depending on whether I added ".bib" or not. My current setup is this: %\usemodule[bib] \setupbibtex[database={mybibdatabase.bib}] \setuppublications[alternative=ams, refcommand=num] \setupcite[num][lastpubsep={, }] \setupcite[author][left=, right=] ... \completepublications[criterium=all] Any help appreciated, Stefan