Sorry, I was trying to be general instead of specific and was unclear. Here's what I want: \usemodule[MyCrop] \setupcrop[mark=camera,info=yes] % or \setupcrop[mark=cross,info=no] or any combination My idea was to have nested \doifelse statements in the module itself (I got this idea from page-lay.tex): \doifelse{\getvariable{Crop}{mark}{camera} {==> make page background camera-crops} {\doifelse{\getvariable{Crop}{mark}{cross} {==> make page background cross-crops} {do nothing} My problem right now is that the assignment by the user given in the \setup-command is not read before the \doifelse within the module gets executed, so it always defaults to the "do nothing" part because the variables are empty. I hope that's clearer... Thanks for your help! The different backgrounds are working, I just need this last piece to process user input. Best Thomas On Oct 6, 2005, at 9:31 AM, Hans Hagen wrote:
I'm not sure what you mean