Am 21.03.2012 um 13:11 schrieb Wolfgang Schuster:
Am 21.03.2012 um 10:19 schrieb Malte Stien:
Hi all,
Is there a way to define your own itemize symbols? I would like a solid square, as in symbol 8 (referring to Table 10.1 in the Context Manual, but solid/filled whereas 8 is hollow.
I tried to declare my own bullet point, as in:
\def\squarebullet{\vrule height .9ex width .8ex depth -.1ex } % square bullet
and then tried to use it in the \startitemize command, but it appears that command does not take commands as its first argument:
\startitemize[\squarebullet, packed] \item foo \item baz ... \stopitemize
So here goes that idea. Other idea was to use \sym{\squarebullet}. That actually works, however, the problem is that it needs to be specified for the individual bullet point. I need something that can be specified in \setupitemize, such that my writers get that symbol automatically without having any control over it.
Any ideas?
And for MkIV one can replace this with \setupsymbolset[text] because the “text” symbol set defines a “blacksquare” symbol. Wolfgang