Dear all, I'm looking for a solution for dashed underlining. Hacking around I've come quite close, with the only problem that when the underlining begins at the start of a paragraph there gets an empty (grid) line inserted before it. See: \defineoverlay [backgraphics] [\positionoverlay{backgraphics}] \setupbackgrounds [page] [background={backgraphics}] \setupMPvariables[mpos:par][gridtype=1,gridshift=-0.5ex,gridwidth=0.1ex, gridcolor=black,fillcolor=white,linecolor=white] \newcount\dashulinecounter \dashulinecounter=1 \definestartstop[dashuline][before={\dostartdashuline},after={\dostopdashuline}] \def\dostartdashuline{% \startpositionoverlay{backgraphics}% \setMPpositiongraphic{b:uline:\the\dashulinecounter}{mpos:par}{self=uline:\the\dashulinecounter}% \stoppositionoverlay \fpos{uline:\the\dashulinecounter}% } \def\dostopdashuline{% \tpos{uline:\the\dashulinecounter}% \advance\dashulinecounter by 1% } \starttext No Line \startdashuline \dorecurse{20}{This is just a test. }\stopdashuline \par \startdashuline \dorecurse{20}{This is just a test. }\stopdashuline \stoptext I'm sure some of you know a simpler and more elegant solution that maybe allows even dotted underlining?! Or does anyone have a hint how to get rid of the empty line? Cheers, Daniel