On 11/19/07, Ulrich Wrede wrote:
I use file=t-lilypond version=2007.09.02. I think this is the latest one.
From the log file: ------------------------------------------------------------ system : module lilypond loaded ("C:\Programme\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\context\lilypond\t-lilypond.tex" loading : LilyPond module ----------------------------------------------------------- LilyPond is found and loaded I think. But this error message is still there ------------------------------------------------------------ ! Bad number (18). \dodostartlilypond ...lily!figures ]\fi \ifeof 18 \expanded {\installprogram... l.32 \stoplilypond ------------------------------------------------------------
Perhaps it has something to do with \write 18
Yes, it indeed seems so.
This comment is written in t-lypond.tex
%D If \type{\ifeof18} creates an error for you, your pdfetex is too old. %D just change it to \iftrue then. (\type{\ifeof18} checks whether \type{\write18} %D is disabled.) %D The last changes of my pdfetex 16. November 2007, 11:02:39
pdfeTeX has been replaced by pdfTeX (pdfeTeX is only a symlink). It's not the file date which matters, but the version (pdfTeX --version). Wiki claims that some things have changed in pdfTeX 1.30, and MikTeX site claims that MikTeX 2.5 uses 1.30.6, so theoretically it should work, but who knows. Also: "The availability of MiKTeX 2.5 ends some time in the not so distant future: as of a fixed date it will not be possible to install packages from the remote package repository."
If I right, metapost is using the same mechanism as lilypond.
Metapost/metafun uses some workarounds (i.e.: metapost works even when write18 is disabled). There are multiple ways to check if write18 is disabled (some functionality to check that has only beed added recently to pdfTeX, so it's quite possible that you have an old pdfTeX, or, it's quite possible that MikTeX behaves slightly differently - http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/gnuplottex/ has some \ifmiktex switches in the source code, although I'm not sure if they make any sense apart from checking if one should use "touch" or "echo" to write into file). So I would suggest you to try two things: - try to follow the instructions to enable write18: http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Windows_Installation#write18 http://wiki.contextgarden.net/write18 - try to do what the file says: change all occurencies of \ifeof18 to \iftrue (or \iffalse - depending on whether write18 is enabled or not), since it might be that your pdfTeX doesn't support the current syntax, or it might be that something else weird is happening. I have no MikTeX here at the moment, so I cannot try, but on a completely unrelated subject: I remember that while I was stil trying to enable that module on windows (at the time when it came to existance), lilypond didn't run properly unless called with full path (i.e.: one had to call C:\programs\lilypond\bin\lilypond.exe, since calling only "lilypond" didn't work). Lilypond developers said that they didn't know how to fix that, but I hope that it has been resolved in the meantime. Mojca