hi all, on that tangent, is it possible to get command line completion for the rest of the options for example something like mtxrun <tab>scripts --<tab>fonts --<tab>reload etc. Hans Hagen wrote:
Ulrike Fischer wrote:
Am Wed, 08 Apr 2009 19:58:19 +0200 schrieb Hans Hagen:
Ulrike Fischer wrote:
Am Wed, 08 Apr 2009 18:54:08 +0200 schrieb Hans Hagen:
It works partly: After I called luatools --generate mtxrun now finds also fonts in my various texmf-trees (and not only the one in the system folder), but mtxrun works only if I move first font-syn.lua in the folder of mtxrun. But this only a small nuisance. hm, i'll have a look at it; i wonder why it fails since it has worked for ages
what does "luatools font-syn.lua" return ? Nothing if I remove the file from the folder. When the file is in the folder then I get the answer "font-syn.lua": I:\TeX-Roots\luatexmf\texmf\scripts\context\lua>luatex --luaonly luatools.lua font-syn.lua font-syn.lua hm, strange as you made a file database
I don't know. Don't forget that I'm using a very minimal system with an "hand-made" texmf.cnf to hook luatex to my miktex. It is quite possible that I'm simply missing some standard file or texmf.cnf-setting. I don't expect everything to run smoothly. It is already running better than I thought it would.
what does luatools --verbose return?
luatools --verbose xxx
should report the loaded databases