The angle function doesn't appear to provide the same calculation as my atantwo in all cases.
They both give the same results, but "angle" gives a result in degrees while "atantwo" gives a result in radians. This demo: \startMPpage vardef atantwo( expr dy, dx ) = save theta; numeric theta; theta := 0; if (dx > 0): theta := atan( dy / dx ); elseif (dx < 0) and (dy >= 0): theta := atan( dy / dx ) + pi; elseif (dx < 0) and (dy < 0): theta := atan( dy / dx ) - pi; elseif (dx == 0) and (dy > 0): theta := pi / 2; elseif (dx == 0) and (dy < 0): theta := -pi / 2; fi; theta enddef; def showangles(expr dx, dy) = message "---------------" message "atantwo " & decimal atantwo(dy, dx) message "angle " & decimal (angle(dx, dy) * pi / 180) message "angle " & decimal angle(dx, dy) message "(" & decimal dx & ", " & decimal dy & ")" enddef; showangles(1, 0); showangles(1, 1); showangles(0, 1); showangles(-1, 1); showangles(-1, 0); showangles(-1, -1); showangles(0, -1); showangles(1, -1); \stopMPpage gives: (1, 0) angle 0 angle 0 atantwo 0 --------------- (1, 1) angle 45 angle 0.78539816339744828 atantwo 0.78539816339744828 --------------- (0, 1) angle 90 angle 1.5707963267948966 atantwo 1.5707963267948966 --------------- (-1, 1) angle 135 angle 2.3561944901923448 atantwo 2.3561944901923448 --------------- (-1, 0) angle 180 angle 3.1415926535897931 atantwo 3.1415926535897931 --------------- (-1, -1) angle -135 angle -2.3561944901923448 atantwo -2.3561944901923448 --------------- (0, -1) angle -90 angle -1.5707963267948966 atantwo -1.5707963267948966 --------------- (1, -1) angle -45 angle -0.78539816339744828 atantwo -0.78539816339744828 --------------- Thanks, -- Max