On 7/22/22 12:37, juh+ntg-context--- via ntg-context wrote:
Dear all,
the firefox pdf viewer has problems with at least two sans serif fonts. [...]
Where Libreoffice has type "Type 1", lmtx has "CID Type 0C".
Where Libreoffice has encoding "Builtin", lmtx has "Identity-H".
I have no idea if the difference is the cause of the bad display.
Dear Jan Ulrich, it may be the font type, the enconding (or who knows what).
Any ideas how I can achieve this?
I’d rather report the issue (attaching both PDF documents and both outputs from pdffonts) at https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js/issues/new. I reported an issue with PDF.js not displaying the cover of http://www.pragma-ade.com/general/manuals/xml-mkiv.pdf. The day after my report the fix was merged. Just in case it may help, Pablo