Wolfgang, I have to come back to this solution you provided me with some time ago. I have more reading in the meantime and have gained a deeper understanding of how this actually works. However... 1. I noticed that the text in the margin is not actually quite aligned with the top of the figure; I think the text starts at the baseline of the line that would be there if the figure was not, if you know what I am getting at. That is at 12pt font size the text is about 12pt below the top of the figure. I tried to fix that with some negative \vskip, but that does not seem to work. Could you suggest an alternative please and maybe even explain why the code below does not compile
You can set the text in the margin with the second argument of \startplacefigure.
\define\FigureText {\dowithnextbox {\startlinealignment[middle] \copy\nextbox\rlap{\hskip\rightmargindistance\vskip-12pt\framed[frame=off,width=\rightmarginwidth,height=\nextboxht]{\floatuserdataparameter{text}}} \stoplinealignment} \hbox}
2. Currently the code always uses the right margin; I need it to use the outer margin. I experimented swapping the \rlap for \llap, but then I still have to negatively \hskip the entire text width to the left. Even if I got that to work, I will have to wrap everything in an if-statement and have one branch for left and one for right pages. Right? How do I find out whether I am on a left or a right page? In other words, how would the if-statement look like.
Thank you,
“The Electric Monk was a labour-saving device, like a dishwasher or a video recorder... Electric Monks believed things for you, thus saving you what was becoming an increasingly onerous task, that of believing all the things the world expected you to believe.”
― Douglas Adams, Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency
On 29/04/2013, at 9:04 PM, Wolfgang Schuster
Am 29.04.2013 um 09:33 schrieb Malte Stien
: Hi,
I need to associate a bit of text with a figure in a book. The text is not---and cannot be---the figure caption (it's providing some explanation with respect to some labels in the figure). I have tried the following based on some other post on the mailing list:
\definepapersize[eightsquare][width=8in, height=8in] \setuppapersize[eightsquare]
\setuplayout[ location=doublesided, marking=on, backspace=43mm, leftmargin=18mm, leftmargindistance=4mm, rightmargin=35mm, rightmargindistance=4mm, rightedgewidth=6mm, topspace=12mm, header=15mm, footer=15mm, height=179mm, width=115mm ]
\startplacefigure[location=force, title={First dummy caption}] \inmargin{First margin dummy} \externalfigure[dummy][width=115mm] \stopplacefigure
However, that results in the text being down the bottom of the figure. I need the text to be vertically aligned with the top of the figure. I have attached the resulting PDF for illustration purposes (is that okay on this mailing list? It's very small).
Any hints would be much appreciated.
You can set the text in the margin with the second argument of \startplacefigure.
\define\FigureText {\dowithnextbox {\startlinealignment[middle] \copy\nextbox\rlap{\hskip\rightmargindistance\framed[frame=off,width=\rightmarginwidth,height=\nextboxht]{\floatuserdataparameter{text}}} \stoplinealignment} \hbox}
\startplacefigure[title=Dummy figure][text=Margin dummy] \externalfigure[dummy][width=.8\textwidth] \stopplacefigure
Wolfgang ___________________________________________________________________________________ If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the Wiki!
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