On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 9:54 PM, Uwe Koloska
still working on the CD booklet ;-)
While trying to include the pictures I have some problems with placing a picture onto a layer: The following code should place the picture into the lower right corner of the upper part and then goes to the left. The part that goes over the page border is for the bleeding. But the result (as seen in the attached pdf) is a sketchy position of the right, bottom corner it looks like the same offset in x and -y direction.
Two more observations: - with the "offset=-1mm" in the layerframe configuration there is only an offset in -y direction left (offset=0mm is not enough) - without the frame it works as expected (and so my problem is solved)
\setuppapersize[CD][CD,oversized] \setuppagenumbering[location=,state=stop]
\setuplayout [location=middle]
\definelayer [p12] [width=\paperwidth, height=\paperheight]
\setlayerframed [p12] [x=\paperwidth,y=74mm, location={left,top}] [width=124mm,height=77mm, %offset=-1mm, frame=on] {\externalfigure[page12][width=126mm,height=77mm]} %\setlayer [p12] % [x=\paperwidth,y=74mm, % location={left,top}] % {\externalfigure[page12][width=124mm,height=77mm]}
\setlayer [p12] [preset=righttop, voffset=74mm] {\offset[location=rt,rightoffset=-3mm] {\tlap{\externalfigure[page12][width=\dimexpr\paperwidth+6mm\relax,height=77mm]}}}
\starttext \setupbackgrounds[page][background=p12] \startstandardmakeup \stopstandardmakeup \stoptext