On Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 9:57 AM, Maurice Diamantini
Le 8 avr. 08 à 22:48, Gour a écrit :
Henning> How about a list of books (or everything else) made with Henning> ConTeXt?
How about to make book about ConTeXt?
I guess that with the upcomming luatex, mkiv or other lua-metapost, there will never be a context book!?
Why, the interface will not change, you shouldn't notice any difference between pdfTeX, XeTeX or LuaTeX. MkIV has a new method (xml setups) to use XML files but the old one (xml definitions) could be used without problems. Font setup changed slightly with MkIV but this happened also for XeTeX a few times in the past. The rest conceirns only bug fixes or new features.
... but I hope there will be a "mark" (or any next conTeXt name) book
ConTeXt is not a simple language library, but a full typing system which need a true documentation. So, even if a command reference could be read online (or in source code ;-),
An extended user manual (e.g. equivalent to the old manual + the official tabular system, + ...) is still needed.
You could try to merge the big manual and the starter manual. The sources are available only.
A ConTeXt book would provide a stable base for learning ConTeXt. The ConTeXt version would also serve as basis for features, and any future online docs could be classified as "before" (read "obsolete") or "after" the context book.
None of ConTeXt's manuals are obsolete, the big manuals provides the basic for daily works and the other manual cover special topics like colummns, integrations of MetaPost ...
Also all ConTeXt features from the book should be suppose to work except if mentioned in an online correction documentation.