The information for the citation is taken from the one-letter keys in \startpublication. In your case, you need to add an 'a=' key containing the author information you want to see referenced.
I take you are not using bibtex. It may help if you create a dummy test file *with* bibtex, just to see what comes out of that.
Ui... I thought I am (trying) using bibtex. Ok, I add two example-files to this email: studie.tex studie.bbl To create my pdf I am runing: texexec --xtx studie.tex Unfortunatly to reference inside the text is empty. When I am changing the reference in the text to \cite[apa][stl] the resulting reference in the pdf looks like [stl] - at least not empty. But if I am changing the reference stl to a not existing one - e.g. stla - I am getting an empty publicationlist and the reference inside the text look like: [stla]. What am I doing wrong? Ciao, H.