23 Jul
23 Jul
6:58 a.m.
That was useful! But now I would like to go another step further: in the following, slightly altered example, I use a footnote and endnotes. I know that with "\setupfootnotes [conversion=characters]" the footnote markers are changed to letters instead of numbers. Is there any way of doing this also for endnotes? (N.B.: I am using MkII.) % extended example, with footnote and endnotes \setupfootnotes [conversion=characters] \starttext Dit is iets\footnote{Voetnoot.} met een footnote.\endnote{Wat een zooi. Werkt het?} \page Het zou moeten werken,\endnote{Ja, toch?} want ik zie tekens in de tekst. \placenotes [endnote] \stoptext % end of example
On 23. Jul 2018, at 07:56, Henri Menke
wrote: […]