Hi! After a wee bit of struggle I've managed to get as far as to (re)creating front and back covers of a booklet as layers. They worked fine in separate files, but now I have to incorporate the layers into my main file and that turned out to be too complicated for my little brain. Thus I'd appreciate a bit of help... I'm using Windows 7 and SciTe and I just updated my ConTeXt to newest beta (and it works). Problem one: The text on the covers needs to be in Arial, but the contents should be in Candara. I can get this done in totally separate files with \usemodule[simplefonts] \setmainfont[arial] \usemodule[simplefonts] \setmainfont[candara] However, when I put the front cover before the main contents, I don't seem to be able to reset the font. The same goes for \setupinterlinespace, it is 1.8em on the cover and default in the contents. I'm not very familiar with the layers nor the font switching and this together makes it very difficult for me to figure out in what order my commands should be (and what they should be; doing a search on the wiki pages on "setmainfont" gives *no* results). So, can somebody provide me with a minimal example of a file that has a layer with text in one font (preferably using simplefonts) and a few pages of text in another font and then another layer as backcover in cover font? Problem two: Whatever I do, I can't get the final number of pages to be divisible by for (and in a way that the back cover ends up on the last page). I used to use the hack given at http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Imposition#Getting_to_the_Back_Cover_of_a_Book..., but it doesn't work any more (hangs on \fi} / line 18); I think it still worked in June 2011, but not any more in August. So, how do I get my back cover to pop up on the last page of my booklet? (Problem three: Having stuff under back matter causes a few extra empty pages that I don't seem to be able to suppress with any combination of \page commands (last one I tried seems to be \page[right,quadruple]). However, this problem may go away if 1 & 2 get solved.) Thankful for any help, Mari