9 Oct
9 Oct
8:52 a.m.
Am 08.10.2020 um 19:05 schrieb Henning Hraban Ramm:
{EN: \en\hyphenatedcoloredword{applicable}}
{DE: \de\hyphenatedcoloredword{applicable}}
\stoptext Wow, that's super helpful. The English pattern seems to be "ap-plic-a-ble" According to Meriam-Webster it should just be "ap·pli·ca·ble".
{EN: \en\hyphenatedcoloredword{obligate}} gives me "ob-lig-ate" According to Meriam-Webster it should be "ob·li·gate". I've had a look at the files mentioned by Tomáš, but as these are not just wordlists I can not really tell what is happening. So, is that a bug? Best, Denis