Dear ConTeXt users, Currently I'm busy typesetting a book using ConTeXt. I use the Computer Modern (Serif, SansSerif and Italic) free font. I don't know much about the details of typescripts and typefaces, it's fairly complex and not very clear to me. The documents "Fonts in ConTeXt" and "TeXFont Explained" add even more to my confusion concerning fonts, sorry! I'd like to know whether it is possible to change all the 'normal' numerals to old-style ones throughout the entire book. I need serif, sansserif and italic old-style numerals! Frankly speaking, I don't even know whether anything like that is possible with either the Computer or Latin Modern font? Thanks! -- Geert C.H.M. Verhaag St. Jorisstraat 29 5954 AN Beesel NETHERLANDS Tel.: +31-(0)774742493, E-mail: verhaaggchm@ision.nl