I wonder if someone can point me in the right direction for a separate TOC which needs to be in chronological order at the back of the book (i.e. not in page number order, although I need the page numbers to show up in the TOC. There is the normal TOC at the front of the book, according to chapter titles. I have succeeded in defining a separate TOC to place at the back, but have not succeeded in the chronological order! Here is what I have done: \definelist[chron][criterium=all,alternative=c] At the back of the book: \placelist[chron][criterium=all] Then at an appropriate point after each \startchapter I have placed (as an example): \writetolist[chron]{}{{\bf 29 April 2017,} Speech, Panama City} This gives me my list, but in page number order. How do I get the date (e.g. 29 April 2017) to be the ordering factor in the list. I assume it will be something to do with criterium, but am clueless at the moment on how to indicate this. Julian