bold math and mixed bold math; only defined for lucida (dunno other bold math fonts yet)
I also uploaded new versions.
Hi everyone, this looks fine. I have used Wolfram's Mathematica fonts for a while, and they have, among others, bold math. I give a link to two pdfs with some examples. One can download the fonts from Wolframs site. http://www.math.chalmers.se/~mickep/testfile.pdf I have also generated list of characters available at http://www.math.chalmers.se/~mickep/fontlist.pdf My question is if there is a way to make the following in a nice way: Suppose one uses the Wolfram-Times math font as default in a doc. Then one would like to swich to the Wolfram-Times-Bold math font with \bf. But maybe one also wants to be able to switch to the Wolfram-Courier math font with some switch, and perhaps also Woflram-Courier-Bold math font with another switch. Moreover, if anyone is interested: There is a package to use these fonts in LaTeX. I have more or less copied and changed it to work with ConTeXt and it works more or less. There are some stuff not working yet. If anyone is interested in this, If I get an OK from the author of the LaTeX package I can make it available online if anyone is interested. Regards, Micke P