Mojca Miklavec wrote:
I'll send the files (full content is already on my page), but I need to know how to split/group them (I guess it would be a bad idea to have one file for each encoding). Should there be one file for iso-8859 and one for windows encodings? What about those regimes that are already supported? I would like to move at least the "regi-win" (with 8 wrong definitions anyway) to a "less discriminating" place, don't know what to do with Greek and Cyrillic.
the problem with one file is that they will be loaded all which will make memory and hash usage extreme, so best split it in separate files
PLEASE FIX: in enco-def.tex replace \cdots by something (\dots, I suppose, but I'm not sure) \definecharacter textellipsis {\mathematics\cdots} (I guess this "bug" was the reason for changing some definitions in regimes/encodings elsewhere.)
Should \textellipsis be used for "2026 HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS" or anything else?
that's for taco to decide
(are Greek quotations treated specially or what is this doing in regi-grk?) % 00BB RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK \rightguillemot vs. \greekrightquot vs. \prewordbreak\rightguillemot (in my point of view the last one may be better, but not fair since it's language dependent: may be OK for French, but not for German or vice versa; perhaps a language-sensitive macro could be inserted at this place?)
see core-mis, maybe using \symbol[\c!leftquotation] helps
6. \textnumero, 0x2116 (and perhaps some other characters) should be added to unicode vector 33.
7. files regi-il1 and regi-win have many inconsistencies. I would like to suggest to do the following renamings:
% or perhaps the other way around \defineregimesynonym[utf-8][utf] \defineregimesynonym[utf8][utf]
\defineregimesynonym[windows-1250][cp1250] \defineregimesynonym[windows-1251][cp1251] \defineregimesynonym[windows-1252][cp1252] \defineregimesynonym[windows-1253][cp1253] \defineregimesynonym[windows-1254][cp1254] %defineregimesynonym[windows-1255][cp1255] % not supported yet (Hebrew) %defineregimesynonym[windows-1256][cp1256] % not supported yet (Arabic) \defineregimesynonym[windows-1257][cp1257] %defineregimesynonym[windows-1258][cp1258] % not supported yet (Vietnamese)
% for historical reasons \defineregimesynonym[windows][cp1252]
needs some thought
I can send the new files as soon as it gets clear how to group them. If additionalz the rest of the questions are answered, then new files can become more consistent without breaking anything.
so ... split the files Hans