On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 7:24 PM, John Devereux
"Wolfgang Schuster"
writes: On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 5:19 PM, John Devereux
wrote: [...]
I have been struggling with some similar issues (in MkII). I was getting an extra page at the end of a document which came and went for reasons that were unclear to me. And then there was the issue (bug?) about "getting to the back page of a booklet" which you helped me with before.(It's towards the end of http://wiki.contextgarden.net/index.php?title=Imposition)
Was this actually a bug?
The extra page at the end of a document in MkII in is related to marks and there is no perfect solution for this.
If the effect with \page[quadruple] to go the last page in booklet is wanted or not could be only answered by Hans.
While your solution seemed to work well originally, it seems to be fragile now when used in a more complicated document. It seems to work OK when I don't use a sectionblock for the back cover, so perhaps it is related.
This should be the same problem as in Alans example, \page[quadruple] moves you to the last page in document but \stopbackmatter or \stopappendices insert a additonal page at the end but you can get rid of this with \setupsectionblock[appendix|backmatter][page=yes|no].
This does not seem to make a difference. If I enclose the two back cover pages in \startbackmatter...\stopbackmatter then a spurious extra blank page is generated after the "back cover".
Did this happen also with MkIV or only in MkII?
I tried all combinations of
("backpart" in the \setup corresponds to "backmatter" in the text, yes? Another thing that was confusing me!)
My fault, I meant 'backpart' but I need a example to help you. Wolfgang