On Sat, Feb 18, 2017 at 11:59 AM, Lutz Haseloff
luatex --version This is LuaTeX, Version 1.0.4 (TeX Live 2017/dev) hm why luatex 1.0.4 ? I expected that mtxrun installed luatex 1.0.3
Execute 'luatex --credits' for credits and version details.
There is NO warranty. Redistribution of this software is covered by the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 or (at your option) any later version. For more information about these matters, see the file named COPYING and the LuaTeX source.
LuaTeX is Copyright 2017 Taco Hoekwater and the LuaTeX Team.
luatex --luaonly test.lua number function: 0xa4b7e0 new function: 0xa4b7e0 gc function: 0xa4b7e0 metatype function: 0xa4b7e0 os sizeof function: 0xa4b7e0 i64 function: 0xa4b7e0 fill function: 0xa4b7e0 arch debug function: 0xa4b7e0 istype function: 0xa4b7e0 abi function: 0xa4b7e0 load function: 0xa4b7e0 alignof function: 0xa4b7e0 cast function: 0xa4b7e0 offsetof function: 0xa4b7e0 u64 function: 0xa4b7e0 string function: 0xa4b7e0 errno function: 0xa4b7e0 typeof function: 0xa4b7e0 cdef function: 0xa4b7e0 type function: 0xa4b7e0 copy function: 0xa4b7e0
ok, now if you call one function you should see The ffi module is available for:\n" archictures : ARCH_X86 and ARCH_X64,\n" operating systems : OS_CE, OS_WIN, OS_LINUX, OS_BSD and OS_POSIX The ARM processor is currently not supported. There are subtle differences between this module and the one in luajitTeX and we hope to be in sync around TeXLive 2018. Different OS can have different interfaces, for instance OS_WIN has not 'complex.h'. If you want portable code, stick to the most common concepts. -- luigi