11 Oct
11 Oct
5:25 a.m.
Dear All, On Fri, 10 Oct 2008, Zhichu Chen wrote:
If I want to embed the .prc file into a pdf document, all I need to do is specify the correct /Subtype and mime type. That's very easy. I think creating 3D presentations without any commercial or mouse- clicking-GUI interface becomes realistic now.
No, there is more - you have to set appearance (may be empty). And many nice things can be done via properties of the 3D object embedded into PDF. Consult latest PDF reference. You may look at libharu U3D code (it handles PRC too) and my embedder (it needs libconfig from http://www.hyperrealm.com/libconfig/ and libharu from libharu.org) from http://www.iaas.msu.ru/tmp/u3dembedder.tgz Sincerely, Michail