Thank you, Joaquin, for this wonderfully systematic bit of work.
I wish I had had this three or four years ago.
There has been a bit of a discussion here about whether ConTeXt
manuals should start from the assumption that the reader already
is familiar with LaTeX or not. If I may cast a vote here: I
recommend that authors SHOULD NOT assume such familiarity,
(1) Knowledge of LaTeX is not just irrelevant, but can actually
(2) ConTeXt is a complete system in itself that is built up in a
more consistent way than LaTeX. It does not depend on LaTeX in any
way, and authors should not risk creating the impression that it
Of course there’s nothing wrong if someone were to write parallel
materials for LaTeX users (‘ConTeXt for LaTeX Users’, or something
of the sort). But basically LaTeX ought to be ignored completely.
I, for one, do not want to have anything to do with LaTeX any
more, now that ConTeXt is there.
Now that this new manual exists, I can more confidently recommend
ConTeXt to colleagues.
Thanks once again!
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