Hello all, I'm using Tikz to draw some fancy text boxes, but I've bumped into an annoying problem. If you run the example below then the body text will be rendered in red. If you remove the "REMOVE ME" text, then it will be rendered in black. I would expect the black version to be the correct version but I need to add text to my node. Am I using \color correctly? Does anyone know how I might go about debugging this? Is there a way to determine whether it's Context or Tikz that's misbehaving? \usemodule[tikz] \setuppapersize[A4][A4] \setupcolors[state=start] \setuphead[section] [ after={\color[red]{\hrule width 125mm \vskip 2em}}, ] \starttext \section{Some Title} \starttikzpicture \node{ REMOVE ME }; \stoptikzpicture Flank sint culpa, dolore dolore ham hock chicken t-bone irure pastrami. Eiusmod corned beef sint enim. Corned beef nulla qui aute, meatloaf ground round cillum ex. Ut swine pork belly, tongue pig sed tail frankfurter biltong ut bresaola anim. Jowl consequat tenderloin, meatloaf fatback eu sint duis mollit chuck biltong. Nostrud cupidatat nulla meatball, brisket irure dolor. Aliqua chuck ut in, nisi ea t-bone shankle bresaola. \stoptext Thanks in advance, Felix