On Thu, 23 Nov 2023 11:32:45 +0100
Taco Hoekwater
The command
context —version
gives the local installed version.
That lists the *local* version, not the most current available version.
Not sure whether there is a clean way to see if there is a remote newer update without actually doing an update.
This is how I check for the remote version: curl --silent --connect-timeout 5 \ 'https://distribution.contextgarden.net/current/context/latest/tex/context/ba...' | sed -ne '/\\edef\\contextversion/s/.*{\(.*\)}/\1/p' Not pretty, but has been working for a decade or so (except the minimals → standalone change a while ago).
You can check the mailing list, all new releases by Hans are now reported on the ntg-context list
That's not practical, I'm afraid. Marco