Dear members, In the MWE below the amount of vertical space between the enumeration header and the text seems to fully controlled by the global \setupwhitespace setting. The inbetween={\blank[nowhite]} setting seems to be ignored. I noticed this change of behaviour some weeks ago for the first time. Appreciate any suggestion on how to reduce the vertical space between the enumeration header and the text MWE \setupwhitespace[big] \defineblock [question] \defineenumeration [question] [alternative=top, after={\blank[2*big]}, inbetween={\blank[nowhite]}] \keepblocks [question] \starttext \input ward \input ward \startsection[title=Questions] \beginquestion \startquestion \dorecurse{10}{Text } \stopquestion \endquestion \beginquestion \startquestion \dorecurse{10}{Text } \stopquestion \endquestion \stopsection \stoptext Kind regards, Jan Willem Flamma